Application will not progress, will only show Pinwheel

At this time we're seeing an issue where the data connection for the iPad becomes stale and the application cannot communicate with us.


The easiest and quickest way to resolve this is to ensure you're not connected to any Wi-Fi networks (the application should work over Wi-Fi, however as I've got no control over them, I would ask you to simply turn Wi-Fi off when using RepConnect) and if you're not, put the device in Airplane mode and take it out to refresh its network connections.

  • Slide up from the bottom of the screen to get the settings 'stage'

  • Tap the Airplane icon

  • The device will now be in Airplane mode, as shown by the Airplane in the top left

  • After around 5-10 seconds in this mode, tap the Airplane icon again to deactivate this mode

At this time, please then try to access RepConnect again, you shouldn't see any issues.